Head Office : 13 bis Rue de Montmorency
Siret No (business identification number) : 384 687 109 00023
APE code : 221G
The site editions-coup-de-pouce.com has been officially declared to CNIL with receipt number 1205298.
According to Article 27 of Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data, files and freedoms, every user has a right to access, modify, rectify and delete personal data about them.
This right may be exercised either by sending a letter to Editions Coup de Pouce, BP 40021 95410 GROSLAY or by sending an email to contact@editions-coupdepouce.com.
Some information requested such as boxes marked with an asterisk are required for correct processing of user queries. Other information which the user does not have to supply is used to gain a better understanding of users and improve the quality of service offered.
Editions Coup de Pouce reserves the right to use such information for its own promotional communications. These communications may take the form of an email or letter.
Editions Coup de Pouce undertakes not to disclose in any form whatsoever any personal information it holds to third parties. However, users must be aware that in certain circumstances, Editions Coup de Pouce may be forced, as part of legal or tax proceedings, to communicate personal data in its possession to the public authorities and cannot be held liable for so doing.
Databases are protected by the provisions of the Law of 1st July 1998, implementing Directive 96/9 of 11th March 1996, on the legal protection of databases.